Haiti Action Committee: URGENT ACTION ALERT
January 25, 2005
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Haiti Action Committee:

January 25, 2005

Demand Dominican officials not extradite Haitian national, Clifford H. Larose, to Haiti's abusive death regime, especially in light of the recent prison massacres in Haiti.(See Amnesty Internationals Alert on PrisonKillings in Haiti. Those deported to Haiti to be put in prison right now are in grave danger of summary execution, especially if they are supporters of the Constitutional government these defacto authorities illegally replaced.

Please call, e-mail and fax letters the officials listed below.

Tell the Dominican Republic: DON'T EXTRADITE CLIFFORD H. LAROSE AND OTHER HAITIAN POLITICAL EXILES AND REFUGEES! Save a life. Prevent more unmerited Haitian sufferings.


Since the February 29, 2004 coup d'état in Haiti, there is no rule of law in Haiti. Pro-democracy and Lavalas activists have been hunted down by the Haitian police and paramilitaries. More than 100,000 people have been forced into hiding. More than 10, 000 people have been forced into exile in several countries including the Dominican Republic.

Among those persons is Clifford H. Larose whose only crime is having been an official in President Aristide's democratically elected government. Mr. Larose, who has been residing in the Dominican Republic, faces extradition based on the same vague, unsubstantiated charges and trumped up accusations holding elected officials like former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune and others in Haiti's jails today.

In view of the Latorture regime's psychopathic agenda and witch hunt against all former Constitutional appointees, supporters and officials and the documented extra-judicial practices of the current defacto Minister of Justice, GOUSSE and police chief, LEON CHARLES, in Haiti, combined with the fact Mr. Clifford H. Larose used to run the National Penitentiary under the Constitutional government with no massacres whatsoever reported under his reign, Clifford H. Larose's return to Haiti is practically a certain death sentence. All the current human rights investigative reports show detail evidence of how under the Latortue/Gousse "Justice Apparatus" in Haiti (See Miami Law Center's recent human rights investigative report on Haiti http://www.law.miami.edu/news/368.html ) even prisoners who have been before a judged and cleared of charges remain in prison based on the edicts and whims of Justice Minister Bernard Gousse; Haiti's National Police Director, Leon Charles; Police Commissioner, David Beer; Chief Public Prosecutor in Port-au-Prince, Jean Pierre Daniel Audain and the U.S. imported Haitian Prime Minister, Gerald Latorture.

For further information on the human rights situation in Haiti, visit www.ijdh.org and http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/newsessaysreflections.html

For more information on current events in Haiti, log onto www.haitiaction.net.

Please contact the following officials with the message "NO TO THE EXTRADITION OF CLIFFORD LAROSE and other political refugees."

President, Supreme Court of Justice
telephone 1-809-533-3191 ext. 331 and 322
fax: 1-809-508-2724 o 1-809-532-2906
e-mail: suprema.corte@verizon.net.do

Secretario De La Presidencia
telephone 1-809-695-8033 and 1-809-686-8204

Secretario Relaciones Exteriores
telephone 1-809-533-1923, 1-809-535-6280 and 1-809-535-6848

UNHCR Republica Dominicana
telephone 1-809-732-7121
e-mail domsa@unhcr.ch

Sample letter:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regards to the case of Mr. Clifford Larose. Mr. Larose has been legally living in the Dominican Republic. His only "crime" is having been a civil servant to a democratically elected government of Haiti.

If he is extradited to Haiti, where there is currently no functioning judicial system, Mr. Larose faces certain death at the hands of politically motivated enemies.

I join with people of conscience throughout the Americas in demanding Mr. Larose and other political exiles not be forcibly removed to Haiti, where the rule of law has been subverted by a coup d'état.

Respectfully yours,

Name: ____

City: ______

**** Spanish Version****


Desde la fecha del golpe de estado del 29 de febrero del 2004, no existe un estado de ley en Ha*ti. Activistas pro-democracia y partisanos del partido Lavalas han sido perseguidos por la polic'a y por la fuerzas armadas extajudiciales. Mas de 100,000 personas viven escondidos en Ha*ti. Mas de 10,000 personas viven en el exilio en muchos paises incluyendo la Republica Dominicana.

Entre estos individuos se encuetra el Sr. Clifford H. Larose - su único crimen, el ser un oficial en el gobierno leg'timo del Presidente Aristide. El Sr. Larose, quien ha estado viviendo legalmente en en la República Dominicana enfrenta la extradidición por acusaciones falsas. ¡Su extradición a Ha*ti es una una sentencia de muerte!

Para mas informacion sobre la situacion actual de derechos humanos en Haiti visite a www.ijdh.org y www.margueritelaurent.com/law/lawpress.html. Para mas información sobre la situación actual en Ha*ti: www.haitiaction.net

Por favor contacto los oficiales siguientes con el mensaje NO A LA EXRADICION DE CLIFFORD LAROSE Y OTROS EXILADOS. Ver ejemplo mensaje abajo.

DR. CARLOS SUBERO ISA, Presidente Suprema Corte De Justicia, telefono 809)533-3191 ext. 331 Y 322; fax a: 1-809-508-2724 o 1-809-532-2906; corréo electónico a : suprema.corte@verizon.net.do

LIC. DANILO MEDINA, Secretario De La Presidencia, telefono 1-809-695-8033 y 1-809-686-8204

LIC. CARLOS MORALES TRONCOSO, Secretario Relaciones Exteriores, telefono 1-809- 533-1923 o 1-809-535-6280 y 1-809-535-6848

Ms. SANDRINE DESAMOURS, UNHCR Republica Dominicana, telefono 1-809-732-7121, corréo electónico a domsa@unhcr.ch

Estimado Se-or o Se-ora:

Le escribo con respecto al caso del Sr. Clifford Larose. El Sr. Lasore ha estado viviendo en la República Dominicana. Su único crimen es el hecho de ser un empleado civil del gobierno democráticamente elegido deHa*ti.

Si es extradicionado a Ha*ti, donde no existe un sistema jur'dico leg'timo, el Sr. Larose entrentar'a en pena de muerte por sus enemigos pol'ticos.

Yo me úno al pueblo Pan-americano al exigir que el Sr. Larose y los otros exilados pol'ticos no sean mandados a Ha*ti, donde el mandato de la Ley ha sido subvertido por un golpe de estado.



Ciudad: ___________

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